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How will AIS 140 Benefit Fleet Operations?

The Indian government is making great strides to integrate elements of globally recognized Intelligent sportation Systems (ITS) standards, in the transportation industry. One of its endeavors is the AIS (The Automotive Indian Standard) 140, which optimizes transportation infrastructure, while boosting quality, efficiency, safety, and comfort.

What is the AIS 140 regulation?

The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) has developed the AIS 140 a collection of regulations, for public transit systems in India. The objective is to increase road safety and create an intelligent transportation system. Efficiency is a major cause for concern in the country’s transportation sector, but thanks to AIS 140, we are finally taking a step in the right direction, In line with the components covered by the ITS such as road traffic management and mitigation, public transportation management, and crisis management, AIS 140 mandates use of, vehicle tracking systems for public transportation and video surveillance and panic buttons in commercial vehicles

Why is AIS 140 certification compulsory in India?

Public transport is used for various reasons – traveling, commuting, transit of goods, etc. In fact, transportation is one of the fastest-growing economic resources of India, but it is still lacking when it comes to security measures for public safety. Thefts, sexual harassment, and damage to fleet property are only some of the issues plaguing this sector. The sad part is many of these incidents could have been prevented with timely intervention and assistance.

Nowadays, you often hear of trucks carrying hazardous chemicals or costly medicines meeting with an accident on a secluded highway. By the time help is dispatched, it is usually too late. Lives are lost, and there are financial losses as well. Moreover, if a critical patient doesn’t get the right medicine on time, the delay could be fatal!

Meanwhile, the “Smart City” initiative is gathering steam, but the number of vehicles on the road is also going up, which means constant traffic. When there is massive traffic congestion each day, it becomes tough for commuters, drivers, traffic police and others to navigate the roads.

Since AIS 140 is designed for vehicle tracking systems, camera surveillance systems, and emergency request buttons, it takes care of the safety aspect to a great deal. Furthermore, it will revolutionize mobility and ease the movement of vehicles in and around the city.

Commercial vehicles to follow the AIS 140 mandate for several reasons take a look

Round-the-clock monitoring

While a typical GPS device can only broadcast a vehicle’s location to one server, an AIS 140 GPS device can send the location to three servers at the same time. When vehicles conform to the AIS 140, it provides GPS device manufacturers with vital data. This information ensures that operators can administer timely service, while extracting stellar performance.

Track driving behavior

With road accidents going up in an alarming manner, it is imperative to have safety protocols in place. The AIS 140 mandate gives access to vehicle data such as speed, distance travelled and other aspects, so the driver can be easily traced if there are instances of reckless driving.

Bettering route optimization efficiency

It is the era of smart and digitized delivery route optimization. The AIS 140 enabled device maps out the best route for a particular vehicle depending upon locations, stops, and checkpoints. The goal is to find the most efficient and cost-effective route, on the basis of the time taken to travel between two points. Drivers will know where there is heavy traffic, and can re-route the vehicle if required. This aspect is useful for reducing fuel consumption as well.

The ARAI has stated that commercial vehicles without an AIS 140- authorized GPS gadget and emergency buttons, will have to pay hefty fines and could lead to disqualification of their transportation permit as well. Such vehicles include commercial car and bus fleets, employee transport vehicles, public transport systems, emergency vehicles, and school buses

What are the requirements for AIS 140 to be implemented?

According to the AIS 140 directives, a system for emergency response should be set up in such a manner that it can effortlessly communicate with government control centers. States should set up control centers of their own, or improve the ones they have with the ability to manage .responses when alarms are triggered.

To put it in a nutshell, the following conditions be met:

  • The control center should have an appropriate establishment for the registration of devices and vehicles.
  • Configurations of vehicles to must be verified as per the state’s recommendations.
  • The system must be appropriately positioned to manage emergency alerts.
  • Devices with AIS 140 certification should be subjected to routine inspections to ensure they are functioning as they should.

How will AIS 140 benefit fleet services?

Here are some advantages of AIS 140 certified devices that will enhance safer and efficient fleet management:

Birds eye view of the entire operation

With the aid of an AIS 140 GPS tracker, you get access to detailed reports about the operations in the fleet. It not only helps to stay updated regarding fleet operations, but you can get the vehicles serviced in a timely manner. Regular maintenance checks reduce hefty expenses incurred due to repairs or replacement of components.

Smart management

Thanks to the AIS 140 certification, your fleet becomes “smarter”. The device installed in the vehicles obtains information through several satellite systems and enables secure data transfer to the control centers. These devices allow the access of minimum two IP addresses, as one of them will be under government monitoring and emergency purpose. The channel of information involves the vendor, customer, and government centre.

Minimize fuel expenses

Did you know that fuel makes up about 45% of the total expenses involved in fleet operations? Thanks to an AIS 140 compliant fleet management system, fleet owners can reduce fuel expenses by 10% to 20%, with efficient route optimization.

Ensuring safety and security

As mentioned, AIS 140 certification ensures total safety of the vehicle and passengers, as it allows constant monitoring of driving behavior. Any attempt of reckless or careless driving, will immediately send an alert to the concerned authorities, thus avoiding any mishaps on the road.

Real-time tracking

The upgraded tracking feature allows monitoring and finding accurate locations and movement of vehicles in real-time. Moreover, due to the geo-fencing feature, you are alerted if the vehicle crosses a virtual boundary – you can always keep track of any vehicle in your fleet

Fast response during emergencies

All AIS 140 devices are integrated with GPS tracking, along with a panic button. So, if there is an accident or sudden breakdown, pressing the button puts the driver directly in touch with emergency services like ambulance, law enforcement or fire stations, and transmits accurate location to them. Thus, they can administer aid swiftly.

How does fleet management software come into the equation?

leet management software helps managers target functioning of their fleet and then work on eliminating issues they might encounter.Data plays an important role in this aspect. Using Anstel’s fleet management software, business can plan more efficient fleet operations, while helping to adapt to the AIS 140 regulations. Here goes:


The fleet management software is compatible with a large range of protocols. Even if there is a change in the type of GPS tracker you select, the software will not need any tweaks. The panic button can be integrated without hassle.

Personalized alerts

You can set alerts depending upon the type of emergency. For instance, you might want to set a specific alert in case of fire and another one if there is a breakdown. Alerts allow managers to take prompt action.

Access to actionable data

It not possible to optimize fleet operations without knowing where you are going wrong and which areas need improvements. You get a detailed history of the vehicle from the software (a 90-day requirement is mandatory). The data helps fleet managers to assess their shortcomings and develop suitable solutions to address problems.

AIS 140 standards will play an important role in bringing about the much-required change in the transport industry. Addressing concerns like driver fatigue or drunk driving due to lengthier routes or stops can be made more convenient as essential data from every trip is compiled for analysis. There are other benefits involved, too, such as monitoring fuel consumption and identifying areas where efficiency can directly improve, leading to cost savings.

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