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AIS 140 GPS Tracking Device

The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) has created the Automotive Industry Standard 140 (AIS standard) for public transit systems in India. It is a collection of regulations to develop an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). There was a need for boosting efficiency on India’s transportation sector for a long time, which is why the ITS has been created. With the increasing number of vehicles on the roads every day, stringent regulations by the government to address crisis and enforce safety standards, is a must-have.

The sole objective of AIS 140 is to optimize and secure the transport system in India by taking care of efficacy, value, safety, and security. It is gradually being implemented all over the country. An AIS 140 GPS tracking device comes with emergency buttons, location tracking, and video surveillance features, for all public transportation and commercial vehicles. The AIS 140 GPS tracker price varies depending upon device specifications and which vendor you choose to purchase from

Vehicles that can use the AIS 140 are:

  • Emergency vehicles 
  • Taxi and bus services
  • School buses
  • Public transport systems
  • Employee transport

An AIS 140 device will have the following features:


The live location of the vehicle is transmitted to servers in real-time. The vehicle’s route can be monitored, so if there are any delays or diversions, an alert is instantly triggered. You can monitor all assets on a single interface, giving you a bird’s eye view of the entire operation. Moreover, if you wish to access the 24-hour history of each vehicle, its start and stop times, and even driving summary, you can easily do so.


Yet another useful tracking feature, geo-fencing lets you create boundaries for all assets. If a vehicle enters or exits from the designated area, you will be notified right away, and can take action accordingly.

Panic button

With crimes going up at an alarming rate in the country, it is imperative for law enforcement to reach the scene as soon as possible to provide assistance. Thefts, robberies, sexual assaults, etc. can be minimized and prevented if authorities can intervene on time. That is why a panic button that is easily accessible has to be integrated into the design. Pressing it will send an SOS in the form of location information to a pre-configured IP address. This location can be tracked by GPS satellites, so authorities can quickly reach the area.

Embedded SIM

The devices operate with an embedded SIM as a backup option if there are issues with connectivity. Panic buttons will work even if there is a problem with satellite signals, as the alert is sent via SMS.

Fuel expenses

The cost of fuel is going up and up, so it is imperative to cut down on idle time and optimize routes. With the help of an AIS 140 device, vehicle owners can plan and schedule trips properly by mapping out a cost-effective route that is the shortest as well. It will help to save a lot of money in the long run.

Driver behavior

A common cause of concern is drivers braking harshly, accelerating rapidly, making sharp turns, and over-speeding. But now you can monitor driving behavior at a glance by peeking at the dashboard. For instance, it sends an alert if the speed goes beyond a limit or there are a lot of sharp turns. Drivers are likely to be more responsible if they are aware of being watched.

Detailed driving history

As per regulations, the devices have to store a vehicle’s 90-day driving history in the AIS 140g GPS tracking system system, which can be downloaded and extracted. This data can be used to manage and rectify driving behavior.

Tamper alert

What happens if someone tries to remove the device from the vehicle? Rest assured they won’t succeed as a warning pops up on the dashboard if the gadget is being tampered with.

AIS enabled vehicle tracking is mandatory in India

The AIS 140 standard is a set of guidelines that are aimed at creating an intelligent transportation system, and increasing road safety at the same time. If commercial and public transport vehicles are found without an AIS 140 certificate, their transport permit can be revoked, and they might have to pay hefty fines too.

AIS 140 enabled tracking is mandatory in India for these reasons:

  • Using these devices, important data is sent to the server that can be used for monitoring driver behavior. The vehicle can be tracked down in the event of incidents due to rash or drunk driving.
  • Route tracking and optimized journeys can improve public transportation and help cut down fuel costs.
  • Vehicle performance can be monitored too. Data pertaining to speed, fuel usage, engine performance, air pressure etc, is collected, and can be shared with the driver and fleet operators. Thus, timely repairs, servicing, and inspections can be scheduled.
  • Most importantly, the AIS 140 standard makes public transport safer for all passengers. 

What is AIS 140 GPS device?

An AIS 140 GPS tracking device is a reliable gadget as per the mandatory standardization by the ARAI, in order to comply with Intelligent Transport Systems. It comes equipped with GPS tracking, seamless connectivity, SOS buttons, dust and weather-proof, etc. Once the device is installed into a vehicle, its movements can be monitored, while the location is transmitted to a server in real-time. When required, alerts and notifications pop-up on the dashboard, so action can be taken accordingly. The AIS 140 GPS tracker significantly improves safety and efficiency.

Does AIS have built-in GPS?

AIS operates by taking the movements and position of the GPS system that is built into its unit. This information is regularly transmitted to servers. 

How does AIS 140 work?

AIS 140 works by transmitting location, time, and other data to backend control servers via a GSM/GPRS network. It sends data to two different IP addresses, and an extra IP address, which is the emergency response system. That is why, panic buttons are mandatory. Any device with a AIS 140 specification should also have a power backup of at least four hours, and be compliant with hardware and software configuration standards as issued by the government.

Does AIS need Internet?

As per hardware requirements, AIS 140 devices have to use satellite modems with GSM/GPRS connectivity. An embedded SIM is also integrated so that alerts can be sent in the form of an SMS if there is no internet connectivity.

How does GPS work with AIS?

Regardless of the AIS 140 enabled device chosen, the software won’t require modification. It expertly uses GPS technology to zero in on a vehicle’s location, which is then transmitted to the servers

Is AIS 140 GPS and standard GPS the same?

A standard GPS is able to send the location of your vehicle to a single server at a time. But when devices have AIS 140 specification, it can send the location of a vehicle to three servers simultaneously the vehicle fleet owner’s server, emergency server used by law enforcement, and the government’s control centre. AIS enabled vehicle tracking monitors performance and maintenance as opposed to GPS devices that track only location.

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